Welcome to
Wild Haweswater

A rugged Lake District landscape where nature restoration works alongside hill farming, to benefit wildlife, water and people.

Wild Haweswater is a partnership between the RSPB and United Utilities, in the beautiful eastern Lake District National Park.

RSPB and United Utilities logos
Red Squirrel standing on a stump

For Wildlife

By protecting ancient Atlantic oakwood, restoring upland plants and returning natural process, Haweswater is a place where wildlife can thrive; from Red Squirrels to Atlantic Salmon, Pied Flycatchers, rare lichens and much more, this mountainous landscape holds a richness of life.

Wild Haweswater Reservoir

For Water

By rewiggling rivers, rewetting peat bogs, reconnecting floodplains, and replanting thousands of lost trees, we’re restoring natural solutions. They improve the behaviour and quality of  water flowing into Haweswater reservoir – which provides 2 million people across Cumbria and the North West with their daily drinking water. 

Two people holding saplings to be planted for the Celebration Wood at Wild Haweswater

For People

Steeped in cultural and natural heritage, Haweswater attracts thousands of people to its mountainous landscape each each year. Looking closer, vital ‘ecosystem services’ hide in the landscape which support people too, such as capturing carbon, soil health and biodiversity. Our eco-tourism offer provides nature-rich experiences and supports local businesses.

Celebration Wood

In loving memory plaque hanging off a tree in the Celebration Woods at Wild Haweswater

Wild Haweswater’s Celebration Wood lies adjacent to the mossy ancient woodland of Naddle Forest. This wild corner of the eastern Lake District National Park is a beautiful, peaceful place for quiet reflection and communion with nature.

By planting a tree here, whether in memory of a life or to mark a special occasion, you’ll be helping to restore and expand this rich habitat.

Every tree in Celebration Wood has a story.

Events & Experiences

The quiet, rugged charm of Wild Haweswater sets it apart from the more popular Lake District honeypot sites, offering opportunities for seclusion and wildlife encounters unlike any other in the National Park.

Wild Haweswater is best known for its dramatic scenery, but look a little closer into these wide open landscapes, and you will discover vibrant upland plants, seasonal symphonies of birds, and ancient woodlands where red squirrels play.

Explore nature with our collection of events and experiences from the RSPB and our partners.

Our Vision

Wild Haweswater’s valleys and fells hold a rich collection of memories, past and present. It is a landscape long loved by residents and visitors alike. But what of its future? 

Over the course of centuries, Haweswater’s Naddle and Swindale Farms, like all farms in the Lake District, have adapted to the needs of society. Discover how we’re continuing in that proud tradition, where Haweswater’s landscape is not only beautiful, but also a place where nature and people thrive.

Immerse yourself in our Vision for Wild Haweswater’s Future

The next 35 years at Wild Haweswater

It’s our responsibility to make sure the landscape at Wild Haweswater continues to: support local livelihoods, enrich the lives of visitors, and supply drinking water to the north-west; and it needs to do all of these things, and more, for future generations. This document sets out the principles for how – in a time of environmental and economic uncertainty and change for landscapes like these – we propose to go about doing that.
Lee Schofield book - Wild Fell

Wild Fell

Wild Fell, written by our former Site Manager for Wild Haweswater Lee Schofield, is a call to recognise that the solutions for a richer world lie at our feet; by focussing on flowers, we can rebuild landscapes fit for eagles again. A landscape of flowers is a landscape of hope.

It was published in February 2022, with the paperback out a year later in March 2023. Since its release, this popular book was Highly Commended in the James Cropper Wainwright Prize 2022 in the Writing on Conservation category, and winner of the Richard Jefferies Award 2022. 

Grab your copy today!

Visit Wild Haweswater

Haweswater is open year round, and the public rights of way can be accessed at all times. Please be considerate of our special habitats, wildlife and livestock when visiting. Discover more about exploring our wild spaces responsibly by checking the Countryside Code.

For immersive activities in nature at Haweswater, see the ‘Events and Experiences’ section.

To plan your visit, find out about our facilities, and for visitor enquiries, see the ‘Plan Your Visit’ section.

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