A family exploring the woods. Taken by Leila Balin (rspb-images.com)
Sunnier days are beckoning us to grab the sun cream and explore the great outdoors with our families. Here at Haweswater you can enjoy a Big Wild Summer of fun, nature-themed experiences.
From Bader Watching to Discovery Days, we can help the whole family spend precious time together, reconnect with nature and make happy memories outdoors.
What’s on at Haweswater?
Family Discovery Days with At Nature’s Pace
If you go down to the woods today you’re sure of an activity-packed family adventure on this mini-nature expedition. There’s magic to be found amongst the woodlands, valleys and streams of this secret corner of the Lake District and myriad opportunities to explore, discover, create and play together. Led by expert guide Ruth from At Nature’s Pace, this is sure to be an unforgettable experience. Taking place on Sunday 16 July and Sunday 13 August, 10am-2pm. Adult £30, Under 18 £12, Under 8 £8. Booking essential.
Visit the At Nature’s Pace website for more details.
Badger Watching
As the sun sets over Haweswater, these elusive woodland residents emerge for their nightly foraging escapades. Enjoy intimate views of Badgers and excellent photography opportunities, from the comfort of the RSPB’s Badger Hide. A unique chance to watch and photograph these secretive mammals in the Lake District National Park, at close range. Dates available throughout the summer holidays and into September and October. Exclusive booking for the hide is £130 non-member, £104 RSPB members (this includes up to six people). Booking essential. Visit events.rspb.org.uk/haweswater for more details.
Badger in the Buttercups. Image taken from the Haweswater Badger Hide by Denise Godsmark
Watch Your Step
We’re really excited to welcome families to Haweswater for these fun, nature-themed experiences this summer. As we all make the most of the countryside, we’re also asking visitors to help our ground nesting birds by watching their step. Over half of England’s most threatened breeding birds nest on or near the ground, and our nature reserves are a safe space for many of them. We’re reminding visitors to please stick to the footpaths, keep dogs on a lead, and please take any litter home. If we work together, we can create some wonderful memories in nature and help protect it at the same time.
Take on a Wild Challenge
Whether exploring nature in your garden, local area or an RSPB Reserve, the RSPB’s free award scheme Wild Challenge can help your family to spend more time in nature this summer and helps wildlife too. Simply register and pick activities from wildflower walks to building a minibeast hotel – there’s plenty to inspire! Find out more at rspb.org.uk/wildchallenge
– Blog by Annabel Rushton, RSPB Visitor Experience Manager